Production Budgeting
We offer a unique, hands-on production service, acquired from years of working in many countries around the world. We budget, account and cash flow transparently up to international standards.

Local Crew
Our team is geared to work up to the high standards that international Producers expect. Our principle aim is to make filming in Saudi Arabia an enjoyable and productive experience. Saudi Arabia has amongst the best HOD’s and technicians in the world. We manage operations in a hassle-free manner that suits international production sensibilities.

Equipment & Facilities
Saudi Arabia has second to none equipment and facilities. Celtic has great relationships and negotiated rates with all the rental houses big and small to fit all budgets.

Filming Permits
We will obtain all of the necessary filming permits, work visas, and clear equipment through customs. We have a dedicated team who can liaise directly with the relevant authorities.

Why Saudi Arabia?
Saudi Arabia has some of the best acting and technical talent in the world. Aside from this it has some extraordinary locations from cities, countryside, to majestic country houses.

We have long standing relationships with the leading casting directors and actor agents in Saudi Arabia. The vast diversity of Arabian culture is a great advantage for filmmakers looking for almost any look or ethnic background.
Location Library
Saudi Arabia offers a wide range of locations for international filmmakers. We are happy to carry out specific location scouts. Bespoke packages provided upon request.
TEL: +44 (0)20 3490 3730
Celtic Films Ent.
9 Orme Court
London W2 4RL
Company Registration #: 4030393581
Registered Office: 3626 Ayn Arruhbah, Alkhaldia District, Jeddah 23423
Celtic Films Pvt. Ltd. (India)
22 Dairya Mahal A
80 Napean Sea Road
Mumbai 400006
TEL: +90 212 249 40 90
Muyyezzade Mah. Ali
Hoca Araligi
No15 Kat 2 Galata/
Istanbul 34425
© 2018-2023 by Celtic Entertainment.